They say that necessity is the mother of all inventions and I can vouch for that. Growing up in New York City, I have always loved the fast and vibrant pace this beautiful city runs at. During the winters of my college years on Long Island, I remember struggling to change in my card, when going from classes out to the city for a night on the town and always thought there has to be an easier way than this.
Later on, as a mother, undergoing a c-section delivery of my twins and a long and difficult recovery period, one of the hardest tasks for me was bending down. There were times I would ask my husband to change my undies for me to avoid the agony of bending down. I remember thinking again, there must be a better way. Then, watching my daughter go through her teenage years, at times needing a quick change of panties at school or at a sports event, I couldn’t help but think… I wish there was an easier way than having to take everything off just to change her underwear. That’s when I had my first light bulb moment!
Through some research, I realized that the concept of underwear has been around for 7000 years, with not much change in the past 2000 years.

The “panty evolution” in my head started three years ago with the same old nagging thought that “there’s got to be a better way” and through much research, trial and refining, created the no bending needed, side opening panty with our signature closure. Enhancing women’s lives in all different circumstances.
Finally in December 2016, with the help of my daughter and a life long friend, Wings Intimates was launched, because we believe “Every Woman Needs Her Wings Panties”.
Wings intimates is a company for women by women.
In today’s fast moving world, where instant satisfaction and a seamless process is a way of life, we created a new technology in women’s intimate apparel that enhances women’s lives by allowing them a quick change of panties instantly, with our new signature W side-opening design. The Wings Women are leaders everywhere,
from the CEO who runs a fortune 500 company, the homemaker who heads her household, to the young woman chasing her dream. A Wings Woman knows that her strength comes from her inner feminine power. She is self-aware and ambitious. She is soft and sensual, yet strong and raw.
Aligned with our philosophy, a portion of our proceeds will be donated to empowering girls around the world.